Search Your Files or Folders with New Best Method from your PC
"Listary" is one of the best searching tool which have
ability to find files of folder in few seconds.
In windows searching tool you have to need to write
correct spelling to find out files ad folder. On the other hand you can say the"Listary" is the Google of your personal computer.
"Listary" get correct files and folders By using the Feature"fuzzy navigation" instead in windows search tool bar we
Listen the Web Text instead of Reading
“Save Records of USBs Connected to Your PC”
Where USB's drives are so help full makes so
easier to transfer data, Users been faced also a lot of problems with the
security of their data. If you have worthless data in your personal computer
and you are also using too much USB drives then you have to need install the
“USBdeview” software.
By the help of this software
you may got all the necessary